Develop the algorithms to implement the FMC concept using the MicroPulse 5PA. Demonstrate the method by detecting and sizing a set of flaws specifically designed to illustrate the benefits of the FMC implementation of an array in comparison to conventional focussed/steered array implementation.
Project Outline
The project will be undertaken in two stages. A mid-term report will be issued at the one year mark outlining the progress of the software toolset development and a final report on completion.
Stage 1: The aim will be to develop through Matlab and its existing toolboxes several key software toolsets: (1) interface to the MicroPulse 5PA array controller for issuing commands and receiving data, (2) develop a strategy to store the very large volume of data collected by the instrument, (3) perform the FMC processing to analyse the data and (4) develop a method to suitably display the data.
Stage 2: Design a test specimen which will contain the types of reflectors that would illustrate the improvement in characterisation that could be achieved using the FMC concept, in comparison to existing array techniques which used focussed/steered sound fields.
Collect experimental data using a linear array operated through fixed delay law curves and using the same linear array probe to implement the post-processed FMC concept. Comment on and evaluate the results when using the FMC concept compared to current best practice approaches.
Relevant Industry Sectors
Power Generation, Oil, Gas and Chemicals, Aerospace, Road Transport, Construction and Engineering
Technical and Economic Benefits
Overall cost savings of around 10M per annum is estimated due to the implementation of the FMC concept.
Industrial Member Report
Access the Industrial Member Report resulting from this programme:
Development of ultrasonic full matrix capture technology to improve flaw characterisation