105 rue des Frères Voisins
CS 90013
66029 Perpignan
Company Profile
For over 50 years, marine, defense, train and automotive customers have benefited from NobelClad’s innovative solutions for joining dissimilar metals. Our clad bi-metal strips enable mechanical fastener alternatives, superior welding, corrosion-resistance, and fatigue strength.
Many applications require an assembly between heterogeneous metal materials that cannot be assembled by thermal processes, due to a difference in melting temperature or due to chemical incompatibility. A structural transition joint is a bi-metal strip used as an intermediate piece to weld otherwise non-weldable structures.
NobelClads bi-metallic strip, known as TriClad™, has become an industry standard for marine and naval architects. By leveraging the advantages listed above, ship builders can now maximize the benefits to increasing reliability and corrosion resistance.
Looking to innovate? NobelClad is here to help you solve your complex material design challenges.
Contact Details
Email: dgauthier@nobelclad.com
Phone: +33 4 68 64 72 75
Website: www.nobelclad.com