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What are the benefits of 'reduced pressure' EB welding?


High power, deep section electron beam welding can now be carried out at work piece chamber pressures in the range 0.1 to 10mbar. This coarse vacuum level can be readily achieved with local sealing on components too large to fit chambers, uses simple pumps and makes possible more rapid pump down of a chamber for production welding.

The welding performance of equipment at TWI matches if not exceeds the quality achieved at the lower pressure levels normally used for electron beam welding (EBW).

Immunity to gun flash-overs is one of the integral advantages of the system.

Reduced Pressure EB welding allows:

  • Welding of large components in a locally sealing vacuum chamber
  • Thick section, single pass welding (up to 200mm in steels)
  • On-site welding
  • EB welding of components too large to fit into a vacuum chamber
  • EB welding of components that cannot be pumped to low pressures
  • High production welding due to greatly increased chamber pumping speed

For further information see Joining Technologies or please contact us.

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