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TWI Technology Fellows' Day

Conferences 15 May 2025

TWI Technology Fellows' Day 

This in-person seminar is a unique and exclusive event which is designed for the benefit of the nuclear and fusion and other industries.

The event, which is due to take place at our headquarters near Cambridge will be the first of its type ever held by TWI, bringing together the world-leading expertise of our Technology Fellows to focus on challenges and solutions for nuclear and fusion with crossover to other industries.

For years, our Technology Fellows have been recognised as leading authorities in their technical fields, both nationally and internationally, with each having made a significant impact through their technical excellence, expertise, and knowledge transfer. 

Because we work across all industry sectors, our Technology Fellows are able to transfer innovations, breakthroughs and knowledge between industries to provide the most suitable solutions for the needs of our Members. 

As a result, this event will also include relevant information that has transferred from our work in sectors ranging from aerospace and space to oil and gas. 

There will be presentations on areas such as:

  • Weld flaw assessment and weld qualification 
  • Non-destructive testing and long-range ultrasonic inspection
  • Additive manufacturing
  • Electron beam welding
  • High temperature failure modes
  • Structural integrity
  • Fatigue testing
  • Composite materials
  • Permeation and more

Full programme to be published shortly

There will also be opportunities to meet our world-leading Fellows in person and explore the latest developments in technology, techniques, materials and science as they relate to the nuclear and fusion industries.

We look forward to seeing you at this first-ever TWI Technology Fellows event, designed specifically to meet the needs of your industry. 

For over 75 years, our customers have trusted us to deliver Technical Excellence.

Please note that this event is not being run as a hybrid one on this occasion.

Register your interest to attend


Meet the team

Dr Carol Johnston - Technology Fellow (Large Scale Testing)

Dr Carol Johnston

Technology Fellow (Large Scale Testing)

Carol Johnston is a Technology Fellow in the Fatigue Integrity Management section at TWI. Since 2009, she has been carrying out research and running a range of projects related to the fatigue performance and structural integrity of welded joints. Her main area of work is on validation fatigue testing of welds using the resonance fatigue testing technique, and providing consultancy on fatigue design of welded joints. 

Matthew Doré - Technology Fellow - Structural Integrity of Materials

Matthew Doré

Technology Fellow - Structural Integrity of Materials

Dr Matthew Doré joined TWI in 2000, where since 2017 he managed the Fatigue and Fracture Integrity section until his appointment as Technology Fellow in 2024. He serves on internationally recognised bodies, including as a Main Committee Member of BSI WEE/37 (BS 7910), as the UK National Delegate on the International Institute of Welding (IIW) Commission XIII, and as Chair of the bodies for BSI WEE/37-3 (Fatigue) and BSI WEE/37-9 (BS 7608). In addition, he also serves as Committee Member on CB/203 (BS EN 1999-1-9 and -10, prEN 1090) and B/525/10 (BS EN 1999-1-1, PD6705-2). He has also chaired several international conferences and delivered keynote presentations and workshops around the world.

Matthew has supervised and supported 13 PhD students and has had over 20 scientific articles published, including peer-reviewed journal publications in the areas of fatigue design, fracture mechanics, and additive manufacturing. His area of expertise as Technology Fellow is Structural Integrity of Metallic Materials.

Dr Paul Woollin, FREng, FWeldI, FIMMM - Director of Research and Quality Assurance

Dr Paul Woollin, FREng, FWeldI, FIMMM

Director of Research and Quality Assurance

Paul joined the Materials Department at TWI in 1992, having graduated and gained a doctorate from the University of Cambridge. He specialises in failure avoidance of welded structures, particularly microstructural effects, defect formation and approaches to avoidance of hydrogen embrittlement in service. In 2005, he became Head of the Materials Department and was appointed to the Board of TWI in 2010. He is a member of the UK Technical Advisory Group on Structural Integrity (TAGSI) and a non-executive director of the International Institute of Welding.

Adrienne Barnes CEng, FIMMM, BSc(Eng), EWE - Technology Fellow, Materials Performance and Integrity Group

Adrienne Barnes CEng, FIMMM, BSc(Eng), EWE

Technology Fellow, Materials Performance and Integrity Group

Adrienne joined TWI after graduating in Metallurgy and Materials Science from Imperial College, London. She is currently a Technology Fellow in the Materials and Structural Integrity Group, working principally on ferritic steel consultancy and failure investigations covering a wide range of industry sectors and equipment.

Over the past few years, Adrienne has led a number of projects focusing on materials testing in aggressive environments for the Oil & Gas industry for the purpose of determining flaw tolerance of O&G assets operating with harsh internal environments and to determine the applicability and implications of various test results and historical information to/on integrity assessments of these assets.

Dr David Howse CEng, FWeldI, MIM - Technology Fellow – Arc Process and Welding Engineering (AWE) Section

Dr David Howse CEng, FWeldI, MIM

Technology Fellow – Arc Process and Welding Engineering (AWE) Section

David is a Chartered Engineer with over 30 years’ experience in arc welding. Prior to joining TWI in 1994, he worked in the Oil and Gas fabrication industry and, after completing a degree in Metallurgy at the University of Leeds, worked at British Steel Swinden laboratories as a Welding Engineer. He is currently employed in the Arc Process, and Welding Engineering section at TWI carrying out welding engineering support and project management for Industrial Members of TWI across a broad range of industrial sectors including the Oil and Gas, Power, Construction and Aerospace industries. TWI’s client list is global and projects carried out include expert witness work in High Court and arbitration proceedings, on site investigations of failures for the Oil and Gas and Construction industries, independent third party reviews of industrial disputes, design reviews for implementation of arc welding manufacture, sub-contract welding engineering, audit of fabricator suppliers, third party design review and support work for the Nuclear industry along with many individual projects relating to qualification and fabrication of a range of welded products to international welding standards.

David has authored and contributed to over twenty publications in international conference proceedings, seminars and journals on the subject of welding with arcs, lasers and hybrid laser arc processes.

Mike Troughton - Technology Fellow for Polymer Welding

Mike Troughton

Technology Fellow for Polymer Welding

Mike has been carrying out research for the plastics industry for over 35 years. His main areas of expertise include the welding, inspection and mechanical testing of PE pipes, on which he has written over 30 technical papers. He is also the editor of the Handbook of Plastics Joining – A Practical Guide. He has managed over 150 research projects for clients all over the world and is the UK representative on various ISO, CEN, BS, IIW, AWS and ASME committees on the welding of plastics and plastics pipes.


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