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What is TOPS 8D?


Frequently Asked Questions

Team-Oriented Problem Solving using 8 Disciplines was implemented by Ford, and follows an original approach developed by Kepner-Tregoe. The eight disciplines are:

  1. Use a team approach - involve those closest to the issue and with authority to act
  2. Describe the problem in quantifiable terms
  3. Implement short-term actions to contain the problem and check they work
  4. Define the root-cause(s) and check that the presumed cause is correct
  5. Define and evaluate effectiveness of long-term corrective actions
  6. Implement long-term corrective actions
  7. Modify the systems and procedures to prevent reoccurrence
  8. Recognise the efforts of the team.

TOPS 8D is a reductionist problem solving approach in that it looks for a solution to remedy the immediate problem, but does not require an optimal solution nor does it investigate outside the direct system of interest. (Therefore in a worst case scenario, implementation of a solution for one problem may result in a new problem).

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