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How much shall I allow for weld shrinkage?


Frequently Asked Questions

It is almost impossible to predict accurately the amount of weld shrinkage. Nevertheless, a 'rule of thumb' has been composed based on the size of the weld deposit. When welding steel, the following allowances should be made to cover shrinkage at the assembly stage.

Transverse shrinkage
Fillet welds 0.8mm per weld where the leg length does not exceed 3/ 4 plate thickness
Butt weld 1.5 to 3mm per weld for 60° V joint
Longitudinal shrinkage
Fillet weld 0.8mm per 3m of weld
Butt weld 3mm per 3m of weld

Increasing the leg length of fillet welds, in particular, increases the shrinkage.

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