Mon, 29 April, 2024
A recording of our recent ‘Welding of Thermoplastic Components’ webinar is now available to view online.
The event took place on 24 April, 2024, with 350 people registering to attend from 57 different nations, representing industries including aerospace, automotive, energy, manufacturing, oil and gas, medical and transport.
The interactive event included polls that allowed the audience to share their challenges as well as ask questions of our expert presenters, Scott Andrews, Principal Project Leader from our Polymer and Composite Services section and Technology Fellow, Mike Troughton. The online event was hosted by Amir Khamsehnezhad, the Section Manager of TWI’s Polymer and Composite Services section.
Scott and Mike outlined the 16 different welding techniques that can be used for joining thermoplastics. The speakers outlined the differences between the welding techniques and how to choose which method to use, depending on factors such as material type, wall thickness, component size and complexity, and the required production rate.
Plastics are widely used across industry due to the benefits that their various properties provide, such as durability, their light weight, corrosion resistance, and more.Welding is typically the preferred method for joining thermoplastics as it creates a strong bond by fusing the parts together via the introduction of heat to the weld through mechanical movement, an external heat source, or through electromagnetism.If you missed the webinar, or would like to see part or all of it again, you can watch a recording of the event, below: