Mon, 08 July, 2024
TWI Consultant Welding Engineer, Joanna Nicholas celebrated a career milestone last week, having reached 25 years of service at TWI.
Having joined TWI in 1999, Joanna has been actively involved in research, materials selection and failure investigations, mainly with ferritic steels.
Her in-depth knowledge of ferritic steels - with a particular emphasis on hydrogen cracking and hydrogen diffusion, HAZ hardness, mooring chain, fasteners, in-service welding and 9% Ni steels – has seen Joanna carry out numerous activities, including failure investigations and production qualification and research.
Joanna has also supported engineering critical assessment activities during her time at TWI, by undertaking post-test metallographic assessment on fracture toughness test specimens.
She has also been involved in various aspects of computer modelling and currently serves on several BSI committees, providing welding and metallurgy input to the standards as required, as well as lecturing for the IIW/EWF diploma.
Joanna Nicholas (right) with TWI Director of Research, Paul Woollin (Left)
Speaking on her time at TWI, Joanna said, “I feel privileged to have worked with amazing colleagues over the last quarter-century, to have learned from so many, and to be able to pass on some things to the next early career engineers,” adding, “I have, generally, loved my time at TWI. Although there have been some difficult times, on balance, the good has certainly outweighed them!”
Congratulations Joanna!