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TWI Project Leaders Attend 5G-ERA Project Meeting

Wed, 12 April, 2023

TWI Project Leaders, Kandarp Amin and Alex Russell attended the 2nd face-to-face 5G-ERA consortium meeting held at University of Calabria in Corsenza, Italy, to share the latest developments on the robotic brazing cell.

The coming months shall see TWI ramping up activities to deploy the manufacturing use case that demonstrates the benefits of 5G, such as low latency and high volume data transfer. The brazing cell will use a collaborative robot equipped with braze paste dispensing system and a laser scanner to apply and inspect the braze paste bead respectively. The operator will be communicating with the brazing cell through either mixed reality or augmented reality to enable operators accept or reject process steps as well as allowing operators to work remotely. This use case shall be delivered with the support of HAL Robotics Ltd and Cal-Tek S.r.l.

The aim of the 5G-ERA Project is to provide an enhanced 5G experimentation facility and the relevant network applications for third party application developers to test and qualify their applications.

These applications will focus on robotic autonomy, which is essential for many 5G vertical sectors, delivering multiple benefits in automated mobility, Industry 4.0 and healthcare.


The 5G-ERA project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 856691

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