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TWI Hosts Energy Transition Event

Thu, 21 September, 2023

Industrial Members and non-Members were invited to attend our in-person event on the topic of, ‘Energy Transition: Structural Integrity Challenges.’

The well-attended event took place on 20 September, 2023 at the Leonardo Hotel and Conference Venue Aberdeen Airport, Aberdeen.

Attendees were able to network with like-minded organisations during the day, building on existing relationships and forming new connections, as key players from industry delivered presentations on a range of topics related to the challenges of energy transition and achieving Net Zero as well as discussing asset integrity management solutions.

Experts from TWI were joined by representatives from Lloyd's Register, Equinor, Siemens Energy, Arup and Shell.

As event chair, Dr Abbas Mohimi, TWI’s Industrial Membership Business Development Group Manager hosted the event and welcomed the attendees before Shell’s Maintenance and Inspection Manager, Susan Cushnaghan spoke on, ‘Energy Workforce of the Future… Why Doing Something Different Now, Should Be Important For You!

TWI Technology Fellow, Dr Bernadette Craster followed this with ‘Fluid-polymer Interactions during the Product Lifetime in CCUS or Hydrogen Containment,’ before Arup Associate, Alasdair Mott gave a presentation on, ‘Delivering the Energy Transition.’

Dr Payam Jamshidi, Siemens Energy’s Global Lead for Mechanical Integrity, provided information about, ‘Improving Asset Reliability Using Integrated Data Management Systems,’ before TWI Senior Project Leader, Dr Kai Yang offered a series of case studies to highlight, ‘Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Development in TWI.’

A break for lunch and networking was followed by an afternoon programme of presentations, beginning with Dr Lars M. Haldorsen, Leading Engineer Materials Technology Metallic Materials and Welding at Equinor, speaking on the ‘Repurposing of Existing Natural Gas Pipelines to Hydrogen Transportation Pipelines.’

TWI’s Section Manager for Materials Performance and Characterisation, Dr Kasra Sotoudeh demonstrated his expertise on the topic of, ‘Evaluation and Quantification of Resistance to Hydrogen Embrittlement of CRAs: Successes, Insights and Challenges,’ before our Research and Product Development Programme Manager for Surface, Corrosion and Interface Engineering, Dr Shiladitya Paul presented on, ‘Materials Performance in Supercritical CO2 to Aid CCS.’

A short break then led into the final two presentations of the day.

Lloyd’s Register’s Flexible Pipe and Risers Specialist, Dr Mario Lopes de Castro presented on the ‘Role of Independent Verification Agents in Early Stages of Technologies Development with Application for Additive Manufacturing,’ before TWI Chief Engineer for Fatigue and Fracture Integrity management, Dr Carol Johnston concluded the talks with, ‘Fatigue Performance of Joints in Offshore Wind Structures.’

Closing words from Dr Abbas Mohimi ended the informative day of presentations and networking, bringing together academia and industry to share knowledge and discuss matters related to energy transition.

Speaking on the event, Dr Mohimi said, "We were delighted to have presentations from our esteemed Industrial Members as well as from TWI technical experts, and it was wonderful hearing from our Industrial Members about the outcome of projects we have supported in their journey to energy transition."

He added, "It was great to have so many of our Industrial Members together in the same room, discussing the research being done around energy transition and the structural integrity challenges which are currently being faced. It’s important to bring Members together to share thoughts and figure out how else TWI can support them."

We would like to thank all of those who attended this event as well as everyone who took the time to present.

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