Tue, 17 October, 2023
We are holding an in-person event dedicated to the topic of fluorocarbon based chemicals and fluoropolymers and new REACH regulations on 9 November 2023.
The event, ‘The Changing Landscape for Fluoropolymers,’ will take place at our headquarters near Cambridge between 10 and 15.00, GMT, UK.
Fluorocarbon based chemicals and fluoropolymers (known as PFAS) are widely used in all industries and, due to their chemical resilience, are often essential to the successful operation of critical components.
However, their robust nature has led to concerns over the impact of PFAS on the environment and their potential for bioaccumulation and entry into the food chain.
As a result of these concerns, regulatory changes have been proposed with reductions in the safe limits being implemented in order to reduce the potential adverse health impacts from PFAS products.
This includes a proposal to ban almost all PFAS products in Europe as part of new REACH regulations.
TWI Technology Fellow, Dr Alan Taylor will be joined by Dr Roger Barnett, Senior Product Manager at Ansys for the event, which aims to raise awareness and provide guidance on the steps that can be taken to prepare for any regulatory changes.
The event will include a regulatory overview and investigation of the industrial challenges around PFAS products as well as offering guidance on ensuring compliance, alternative and replacement technologies, as well as remediation and recycling.
The event will include a panel discussion to offer an exchange of ideas and key learnings across industrial sectors.
You can find out more and register for this important and informative event, here.