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Fri, 16 April, 2021

Inspection personnel usually don’t pay much attention to their certification and this lacuna (or ‘gap’) can be a big stumbling block in their career path.

In today’s industries, where the demand for critical equipment to operate under arduous service conditions to give uninterrupted service life is increasingly becoming a familiar feature, the effort to induct, train and develop personnel who can shoulder these challenges is gaining lot of attention.

Industries are taking time to search for suitably qualified and experienced personnel who can take care of specific functions, especially in inspection activities, to ensure that the right things are done, in the right manner, and at the right time. While there was certification in the past, it was only considered with all seriousness in a few fields. However, industry is now looking for qualified and experienced personnel who are also appropriately certified.

Today’s stringent quality requirements, which demand a good understanding of the nuances of various inspection techniques and procedures, has put an end to the old notion that “any engineer can be an inspection engineer.” Today, industry looks for certified personnel in various fields whose skills have been tested and certified by international bodies.

Industrial functions like welding inspection, NDT, NDE and painting and protective coating are very critical and don’t allow any compromises to be made since they may affect the performance of the component in service. Having realised this, the industry is now equipping itself with certified personnel, causing the demand for appropriately certified personnel in these fields to rise.

The TWI certification programme offers you an internationally recognised qualification to prove your skills and knowledge, while also delivering real benefits to industry through the acquisition of new competences. Certification programmes not only impart theoretical knowledge but also practical knowledge, which is essential for tackling problems and situations in the field.

Get certified so you don’t find yourself getting side-lined over a period of time. Talk to us about the international certification programmes we offer in areas such as Welding Inspection, Non Destructive Testing and Painting Inspection, which will help you progress in your career path.

Take a decisive step TODAY.

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