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Prevent Policy

Safeguarding Policy Review
Date Author Review date
December 2023 Richard Webb October 2025


The Prevent Strategy (published by the UK Government 2011) is a national safeguarding programme that offers support and early intervention for people who are at risk of becoming involved with terrorism through radicalisation.

As a provider of training and examination services and in line with the requirements of the Prevent duty, TWI Ltd (the “Company”), being a specified authority, has a duty of care to ensure that employees, apprentices and students are able to study and work in a safe environment.

Purpose of the Policy

To outline how, in accordance with Prevent, the Company will take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of employees, apprentices and students from radicalisation.


This policy applies to all Company UK employees.

Additionally, this policy applies to all Company UK frontline workers: any Company employee, contractor or volunteer acting in the capacity of supervisor, lecturer and/or invigilator and having direct contact with apprentices and students.


Radicalisation - refers to the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and extremist ideologies associated with terrorist groups.

Safeguarding - the process of protecting vulnerable people, whether from crime, other forms of abuse or from being drawn into terrorist related activity.


The Company ensures that the Prevent duty is fulfilled by our commitment to the following:

Effective leadership

Directors and management understand the risk of radicalisation, communicate the significance of the Prevent duty to all employees and ensure the effective implementation of the Prevent duty.

Staff Training

Provision of Prevent training for all appropriate employees and contractors.

IT Policies

TWI Information Communications Technology (ICT) department having appropriate filters in place to prevent viewing of extremist material using company assets.

Risk Assessment

Implementation of risk assessment and action planning to respond to and mitigate risks associated with Prevent.

Working in Partnership

Where appropriate, the Company works with partners, such as local authorities and the Police, to protect vulnerable individuals.


Any breaches or non-compliance with this Policy should be identified to the Prevent Lead.

Linked documents

Safeguarding Policy


A. Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015

B. Revised Prevent Duty Guidance for England and Wales updated April 2021

C. Prevent Duty Guidance for HE Institutions updated April 2021

D. CHANNEL Duty Guidance

E. HM Government Counter Extremism Strategy dated October 2015

F. Prevent Duty Monitoring Framework for HE November 2015 HEFCE

G. The Equalities Act 2010

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