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Laser Deposition for Repair and Cladding

Project Code: 0903-08


Gain an understanding of laser deposition parameters of materials of interest to aerospace and power industries.

Achieve best parameter set for specific alloys.

Project Outline

Initially relevant alloys will be selected and purchased in small quantities; at least one alloy per application outlined above will be selected for the project.

For each selected alloy the following will be carried out:

Initial trials to find processing window for typical repair application, set up a DoE to assess the process window, assess the deposits in terms of cracking, fusion quality, porosity and depth of penetration.

Once processing parameters have been identified for each alloy, repair deposition will be carried out on like for like parts to demonstrate the capability of the process and deposit integrity.

Specific candidate alloys will be chosen and material deposited sufficient to enable the manufacture of a number of tensile test coupons. The coupons will be tested to establish the tensile properties of the deposited material.

Further work will be carried out on thin layer cladding of hard facing and corrosion resistant materials of particular interest to the oil and gas industry.

Relevant Industry Sectors

Aerospace, Power, Oil and gas

Technical and Economic Benefits

Improved quality and knowledge of repair applications that are significant to the membership base of TWI.

Improving the capability of alloys that can undergo successful repair will have cost implications for the end users of such products.

Assessment of the processing parameters for individual alloys will improve the quality of the process.

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